Legal notices

Data controllers and site publishers :

This site is the property of :

CSE Log – Logistics and transport commission

ARL with a capital of 9 000 € – RCS Boulogne sur Mer n° 498 767 672 – APE 5229B
Head office: Zone Garromanche – 1 rue Roger Salengro 62230 Outreau – – 06 25 28 24 37
Bonded warehouse – EORI n° FR49876767200013 – Granted on 08/03/2021

CSE Services – Customs operations management

SAS with capital of €10,000 – RCS Boulogne sur Mer n° 901 349 753 – APE 7022Z
Head office: Zone Garromanche – 1 rue Roger Salengro 62230 Outreau – – 06 59 63 49 75
Registered Customs Representative (RDE): 00006153

CSE Assur – Insurance brokerage

SAS with capital of €10,000 – RCS Boulogne sur Mer n° 913 065 645 – APE 6622Z
Head office: Zone Garromanche – 1 rue Roger Salengro 62230 Outreau – – 06 73 20 43 47
ORIAS no. 22 004 888 ( – Operates under the supervision of the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR): 4, place de Budapest CS92459 75436 Paris cedex 09 ( and in accordance with the provisions of art. L520-1-II,1°b of the French Insurance Code.


The website
Plateforme logistique Garromanche, Rue Roger Salengro 62230 OUTREAU
Telephone number: 03 61 31 86 76
Website design and emarketing support by COJT Conseil

Publication Director:

Mr Gaëtan GUEPIN: Director of CSE Global, Operational Marketing Manager
Hosting :
This site is hosted by OVH:
The domain name is hosted by OVH:
OVH – SAS with capital of €10,069,020 – RCS Lille Métropole n° 424 761 419
Head office: 2, rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix

Hosting :

This site is hosted by the company OVH:

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Site content:

The information provided on the website is presented for general guidance only. It in no way claims to be exhaustive. Under no circumstances does this information constitute an offer to sell or to enter into a contract, nor does it constitute legal advice or opinions.
Despite all the care taken in the creation of this site and its regular updating, errors may have crept into the information presented. Users of the site should therefore make any necessary checks.
CSE Global reserves the right without prior warning to correct or modify the content of this site at any time.

Photo credits :

The photos and images on this site belong to and have been generated by CSE Global

Intellectual property :

This website, its general structure, as well as the texts, images and any other element making up the site are the exclusive property of CSE Global or the service providers designated by it, and are protected by French and/or international copyright legislation.
Any total or partial reproduction of this site, other than for individual and private consultation, by any process whatsoever, without the express authorisation of CSE Global is prohibited. In the absence of express authorisation, CSE Global reserves the right to take legal action against any infringement of its intellectual property rights.
Within the framework of communication, any website creator/manager wishing to point via a hypertext link to one of the pages of must also have the express authorisation of CSE Global.